Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Like a tap dance..." excerpt from a quote by Marina, regarding my life. Oh, Spain.

Today I enjoyed a free caramel frappuccino from Starbucks! Well, free at least for today. The guy working there kindly told me to come another day and pay, since the credit card machine was down and I had no cash on me at the moment. Wow! That would not happen in the States.

Trust is an odd issue here in Spain. A friend of mine will tell me to look away as she types her e-mail password in and yet a Starbucks employee will let me walk away with a drink that costs €4,30. I find this so unusual. I may be making generalizations based on these particular instances, but I have seen this type of behavior elsewhere too. Walking through my apartment building, people peer out of their windows to see who am I. And it isn't because I'm a foreigner: if they hear anyone going by, they look to see who it is. Why does it matter?

I look forward to baking again. Vanilla extract here is atrociously expensive. As is maple syrup, among other things.

Though I am so excited to get home, I am still going to be where I am. For right now, that means Sevilla, España. Thanks Brown, for good advice.

10 days left!

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
--Ephesians 5:15, 16

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