Tuesday, July 19, 2011

La que vino del mar.

Te quiero, amiga!
Here we are, hanging out at a pool on a warm afternoon with our friend from salsa class. From chilly February until this ridiculously hot July, we've been keeping each other sane here in sunny Spain. Good thing phone plans through CC-CS were free for calls between students, right Marina? :)

I remember thinking--when people would say "Oh, that's great that someone will be there that you know, right?" -- "I'll be fine on my own."

...what a joke.

It's been a blessing to have her around! We've learned from each other, worked on our Spanish and frequented the dance floor at Voulez-bar, stunning people there by being both blonde and capable of dancing salsa and bachata.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only JUST checked your blog for the first time in a while and I see three posts where you referenced me... haha, yes, we definitely are keeping each other sane! I remember also thinking I would have been fine completely on my own, but it´s been such a blessing to be here together! And I probably wouldn´t have made it 6 full months.

One week and two days left for you! I leave tomorrow morning... I´ve got to finish packing even though my mind is already checked out of here ;)

Besos, see you on the other side!
